GITA 1 Portfolio & Projects

This is my webpage for GITA 1, my second year of computer science. We
are studying C#. It's difficult to learn, but the end result for projects
can be the one of the most satisfying achievements. Although the work is
tough, the reward feels well earned. (Immense thanks to my teacher, Mr. Le)

Final Project:
A Man and His Hatchet


In this project, we developed an interactive game with moving graphics that are controlled by a user and timers. My game has a Main Character that is controlled by the user, and the objective is to progress by defeating waves of soldier and cavalry invaders.

Bees Simulator


In this project, we created a program that has a hive, a flower, and summons bees when a user presses the spacebar.

Fishing Simulator Upgrade


In this project, we added features to our Fishing Simulator which includes a shark that randomly swims around the lake and eats fish, bubbles that rise up, and a boat that is controlled by the player that can catch fish using a hook.

Fishing Simulator


In this project, we created a simulator where 20 fish in a lake move about randomly left or right.

Basic AI Upgrade


In this project, we improved Basic AI by adding the ability to shoot a projectile at the chasing enemy, a point system, a timer that ends the game when it runs out, a health system, and a New Game option in the main menu.

Basic AI


In this project, we made a game where one character is controlled by key presses and another is on a timer. The one on a timer chases the other character.



In this project, we created a program that a user can use to display various number sequences.



In this project, we made a tic-tac-toe game for two players that keeps track of each player's wins.

2D Fish Tank Upgrades


In this project, we used the same basic function of 2D Fish Tank and added a predator that has the same function of the fish. If the predator moves into the same spot as the fish, then the fish will appear as dead at the bottom of the tank.

2D Fish Tank


In this project, we created a 2-Dimensional fish tank that has the same basic function as Fish Tank, but can also move the fish up, down, or diagonal.

Fish Tank


In this project, we simulated an aquarium which begins by randomly placing a fish in a different spot in the tank. The fish randomly swims left or right once at a time on any move, and the amount of times the fish bumps its head on a side is kept track of.

Rock Paper Scissors


In this project, we made a rock paper scissors game for two people, or one person and a bot, which keeps track of each player's wins.

My Store


In this project, we simulated an order calculator for our store that is able to take multiple orders and displays the price per order and the final total price.

Slot Machine


In this project, we simulated a slot machine with 3 reels, with each reel having 5 images, a starting grand prize of $500 that increases with each pull, a deposit function, and betting options.

Craps Game


In this project, we simulated a Craps game at Vegas. (the rules are shown in the program)

Dice Game


In this project, we simulated rolling 2 dice, displayed the sum of these 2 dice, and calculated the probability of rolling a certain number.

Test Scores


In this project, we took multiple test scores from a user in percentage form and outputted them as letter grades, outputted the highest score, and outputted the average score.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we upgraded Car Rental by adding multiple car options and multiple car features.

Body Mass Index


In this project, we took a user's height in feet and inches and took their weight in pounds. We used this data to calculate that user's body mass index.

Car Rental


In this project, we took input from a user to show customer information and to calculate the total charge based on the amount of miles driven and the amount of days rented.

Mailing Label


In this project, we took input from a user and created a mailing label.

About Page


In this project, we designed a help page.